Sunday, November 11, 2012

Goodbye Expanders -Hellllooo New Girls!

Click and Enjoy the Show!
Music: 'Butterflier' from A Movable West

After months of waiting, and watching my original implant due date come and go, I finally welcomed the 'New Girls' on Friday, October 26th! And no, do not expect the pink announcement in the mail giving all the details like "They're twins." "Weighing in at 425cc's." "October 26, 2012 at 7:15am." "Santa Barbara, California.' Nope, not going to happen.

And long gone are the days of the uncomfortable-hard-as-rocks faux breasts from those gnarly expanders that have been in place since last January. And, as luck would have it, I am actually one of the first patients in Santa Barbara to receive the new FDA gel-filled breast implants with the new outer casing and durability. Feeling like a true breast cancer patient pioneer!

I know, I know, a bit of an 'overshare' on my part but hey, the days of being timid about the 'Girls' are so over. But, I've had every doctor, nurse, intern, surgeon and friend take a peak at my front side over the last year, so by now, the subject is clearly no longer taboo for me. A little nip and tuck here, liposuction there to even them out, half a foot of stitches there and 2 hours later - VOILA!

But all kidding aside, I once again had an entire team of medical staff and family by my side to see me through this next step in the journey. Both nurses Barbara and Joe, were at my bedside yet again as they were for the double mastectomy surgery. Mindy, the surgical nurse was again cracking us all up with her hilarious jokes and iPhone pics of past Halloween costumes. Dr. Soares, surgeon extraordinaire, who was by my side gently holding onto my arm,  promised me and the nurses that he did his morning 'Surgical Zen ritual' and that he was completely prepared for my procedure.

And last, but definitely NOT least, was the loving presence of Hil and my mom by me every step of the way that Friday. Snapping pictures, holding my hand, helping me get into a good space with releasing, breathing and meditation, both walked by my side as I was wheeled into the surgery room. I couldn't have done it, or would have had it any other way. I thank them both with all my love for the purest form of love and care that anyone could ever hope to have.

So, as usual, I went in with my "See ya in 2 minutes" philosophy and with my dad's Two Feathers in hand, along with my chanting music playing on my iPod; all was well and all went well. I thank my family, friends, neighbors and co-workers for all your prayers, good wishes, jokes and love. It really does make a difference in my life.

P.S. Special thanks to 'Julie-Bunny' for bringing mom and Hil S.Bux and goodies to the waiting room. MWAH!


  1. Love YOU back Julie-Bunny! Thank you for your kindness in bringing mom & Hil their morning 'Joe' & goodies. I got the benefit of that blueberry pastry - deeeelish!! XOXOXO
